Category: Hand Washing

6 Tips for Staying Healthy This Holiday Season

tips for staying healthy this holidayThe holiday season is here, and while it’s the most wonderful time of the year, it’s also one of the most stressful. Schedules are full, it’s cold and flu season, and everyone is trying to accomplish a lot in a short period of time.

All the bustle and stress of the holiday season can easily cause some people to overlook disease prevention, and cutting corners during daily tasks and chores can easily lead to the spread of infectious diseases and put a damper on your holiday celebrations. The following tips can help you and your loved one stay healthy this holiday season.

Stay Dry

Winter weather means lots of snow and ice. Staying dry is one of the best ways to prevent illness. When the temperature drops and it’s snowing outside, wear a heavy coat, gloves, a hat, and waterproof shoes or boots. While it’s a myth that being cold causes a cold, staying outside when you’re cold and wet taxes your body and can lead to poor immune system function.

RELATED ARTICLE: How to Tell If You Have the Flu

Wash Your Hands Frequently

Germs and disease-causing bacteria thrive on dirty surfaces and spread easily. Make sure to wash your hands before and after all meals and after personal contact with others. Use warm running water and soap, washing for at least 20 full seconds. Be sure to keep your fingernails trimmed to reasonable lengths and clean under them as well every time you wash.

RELATED ARTICLE: The Best Hand Washing Techniques

Check Your Vaccination Schedule

Make sure you and your family are up to date on your vaccinations. Try to get them out of the way before the winter weather starts if possible, and pay close attention for any signs of adverse reactions.

Avoid Overindulgence

The holiday season is a great time to enjoy home cooked meals with friends and family, but be careful not to overdo it. Eating too much is taxing on the body and can cause an upset stomach and other gastrointestinal issues. Foods with high levels of sugar can trigger inflammation and other issues.

Ensure All Food Is Cooked Properly

When serving holiday meals, use instant-read meat thermometers to ensure all prepared meats are cooked to appropriate temperatures. Undercooked meat can carry diseases like salmonella and may lead to serious illness.

Get Adequate Rest

You might be very busy over the holidays, but you shouldn’t neglect sleep. Aim for at least six to eight hours of sleep each night and adjust your schedule accordingly. Burning yourself out and tackling your holiday errands without adequate rest is not only stressful for your body, but also leaves you more vulnerable to illness and more prone to accidental injuries.

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When these health issues do arise, Premier Urgent Care in Chicago can provide safe and timely treatment. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us for immediate care.

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The Best Hand Washing Techniques

best hand washing techniquesThink about how often you (or your children) were sick when you first started school – exposure to multiple other children, as well as all the bacteria and viruses they carry, often leads to increased occurrences of illness. Now that school is out for the summer, children are spending more time at home, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t exposed to germs. Consider their time back-and-forth from the playground, the soccer field, and indoor gyms, leaving them exposed to a whole new set of germs. One of the simplest and most effective methods for stopping the spread of germs and protecting yourself from them is proper hand washing technique.

Yes! There’s a right way to wash hands! Keep reading…

When to Wash Your Hands

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offer guidance concerning some of the most common situations when hand washing is a necessity:

  • Wash your hands before handling any type of food. This prevents germs from transferring from your body to your food, which others might share.
  • Hand washing should be part of your cooking routine – before, during, and after. Regular hand washing between phases of cooking can help prevent cross-contamination and food borne illnesses.
  • Wash your hands after touching any type of bodily fluid, your own or anyone else’s. For example, wash your hands after changing your child’s diaper or after caring for someone who is sick and vomiting.
  • Hand washing can also prevent the spread of germs between people and their pets. Wash your hands after handling any type of pet food, treats, toys, or bedding.
  • Wash your hands after using the toilet, treating a wound, coughing, or sneezing.

How to Wash Your Hands the Right Way

While it’s vital to know when to wash your hands, you must also know how to wash them the right way:

  1. Rinse your hands with warm running water.
  2. Apply soap and lather your hands entirely, including between your fingers and the backs of your hands.
  3. Scrub for about 20 seconds. An easy way to time this is to hum or sing the “Happy Birthday” song in your head while you wash.
  4. Rinse your hands well.
  5. Dry them with a clean cloth towel, paper towel, or air dryer.

Staying Clean When Hand Washing Is Not an Option

Surprisingly, many people simply forego hand washing when it seems like it’s not feasible. If you find yourself outdoors for an extended amount of time or you use a portable restroom without hand washing facilities, a bottle of hand sanitizer can help keep your hands clean and spread germs. However remember… hand sanitizer is not a replacement for proper hand washing.

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