6 Signs You Should See A Doctor

Regardless of our age, we should all see a doctor on a regular basis for preventative care and a way to develop a baseline for our health. Sometimes there are glaring signs you should see a doctor in addition to those regular visits. Here are 6 of those signs.

A Headache With Additional Symptoms

Most headaches can be relieved by over the counter medications. A headache that is more severe than normal is a warning sign something else is wrong and you should probably see your doctor.

When a headache is accompanied by fever, nausea, confusion, trouble walking or talking, or a stiff neck, skip your doctor and go right to the ER. You could be having a stroke, or it could be meningitis.

doctor and patient talking during visit

Stomach Pain And Digestive Issues

We all get an upset stomach from time to time, but certain accompanying symptoms should prompt you to see a doctor.

Diarrhea that lasts longer than a few days, heartburn that doesn’t go away, constipation or stools that are bloody or black, and persistent severe abdominal pain are all signs to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Painful Back

This is a common complaint, but sometimes it can be more serious. Watch out for weakness and tingling down the leg. If you have a fever, redness on your back, and are losing weight, call Premier Urgent Care Center for an appointment.

The Common Cold Or Flu

Most of us know the symptoms to watch for when it’s cold or flu season, and we also know how to treat those symptoms. In certain cases we need a doctor’s intervention.

Those symptoms include some of the following:

  • A cough that lasts over 2 or 3 weeks
  • A high fever
  • Excessive sore throat with painful swallowing
  • Persistent vomiting
  • An earache
  • Symptoms that last 10 days or longer and seem to be getting worse

You don’t need to have all these symptoms; even one should be a reason to call your doctor.

A Head Injury

This is one instance where most of us would call a doctor. Yes, it could appear minor, but it could also just as well be a concussion.

If you feel dizzy, have balance problems, begin to vomit, and are sensitive to light, see a doctor. If you begin to have mood changes, can’t sleep, concentrate, or remember things, call Premier Urgent Care Center for an evaluation.

Depression, Anxiety, Or Other Mental Health Problems

Never suffer in silence and alone. Any time you are having feelings of sadness that won’t go away, have changes in eating or sleeping habits, are constantly worrying or anxious, and find you can’t cope with day to day problems, call your doctor for help.

Any thoughts of hurting yourself or others – don’t delay to call a doctor.

Best practice is to call Premier Health Network and Urgent Care Center when doubt. Explain your symptoms, and you will be given guidance.

If you have any further questions or would like to schedule an appointment, please call (773) 891-2890 today!

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